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Room Escape, the game that challenges teamwork
Friday, July 15, 2016 - 12:18

A group of between 2 to 5 players must solve how to escape from a room in 60 minutes. The dynamic is designed to promote team building and improve personnel selection and collaboration among colleagues.

Kristian Pinamonti is an Italian who came to Uruguay with an unusual but fun business idea for the business world. This is Escape Room, a game where a group of between 2 to 5 workers must overcome various types of tests to escape from a room in which they are locked. All this in less than 60 minutes.

The dynamic that is already a trend worldwide, and that in Montevideo (Soriano 943 bis esq. Wilson Ferreira Aldunate) operates under the Punto Game brand, is perfect for forming work teams within a company, since it is a type of game where teamwork and communication prevail to resolve escape.

According to Pinamonti, the idea is also for each participant to improve their ingenuity, logic and observation skills.

Since the escape room is being monitored at all times, at the end of the activity an analysis of the game in general is carried out where the Punto Game team develops a series of conclusions and recommends the areas that should be strengthened.

However, the company plans to offer the possibility of having a work psychologist for those companies that request it in order to provide them with a more detailed evaluation, for example, about their workers in stressful situations or about some other area that they are interested in. evaluate and then strengthen.

Some recommendations from Punto Game when playing are:

1. Talk, talk and a lot: If you find something, say it, if you have discovered a clue, say it, if you have opened a box, say it, if you are getting stressed, say it, if you have an idea, say it. The best thing is to have good communication with your team.

2. Order is your best weapon: Have you found a key and opened a chest and taken out a piece of paper from inside? Well, never leave the key there and the chest there, gather all the objects you have used and group the ones you haven't yet. Be an organized person and you will save a lot of time that you need to escape.

3. Recognize what you are best at: Are you good at mathematics and do you like numerical series? Solve the tests that are best for you. You lead that test and specify the one in which you have the easiest time.

4. Encourage and motivate the team: It is related to the previous point, 60 minutes can be very short or very long. If you see that someone on your team feels down or is upset because the tests are not successful, motivate and encourage them.

5. Listen, always listen: In addition to speaking, you also have to know how to listen. It is not always the fault of one person when something fails. Pay attention when something is said, because no matter how insignificant it may be, it can give you the definitive clue.

6. Be part of the team: If you want to be free, better play something else. Participation is encouraged in the Escape Rooms, try to be part of your team and encourage camaraderie.

7. Look and touch everything: Don't leave anything without touching and looking (except when there is a sign that doesn't play). Anything can be an object to use, a new clue or a piece of a puzzle.

Images | Pixabay | Wikipedia


Fernando Zúñiga