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crédito foto Agencia Xinhua ciudad de Santiago
Foreign investment projects in Chile increased 24% in the first semester to US$ 34,531 million

The projects are mainly concentrated in three sectors: energy, mining and global services, while the main country of origin was the United States. In addition, the portfolio registered for the first time an initiative from Saudi Arabia.

Temática de inflación en Estados Unidos crédito foto Reuters
Inflation in the US increases moderately in June

The personal consumption expenditure (PCE) price index rose 0.1% last month after remaining unchanged in May, the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis reported this Friday.

Fuente: Reuters
Latin America stakes the fate of its relations with the US in the November elections

German experts tell DW that in Latin America it does not matter who the next US president is. The main topics of discussion are border control, organized crime and economic cooperation.

Fuente: Reuters
US GDP takes flight in the second quarter of 2024 by growing 0.7%

The macroeconomic data for the second quarter represents an acceleration compared to the first quarter of 2024, when the US economy registered a quarter-on-quarter expansion of 0.4%.

Crédito foto Reuters mar Rojo
Crisis in the Red Sea puts maritime trade in check

Most shipping companies have diverted their ships to avoid Houthi attacks. But the Israeli attack on the Red Sea port of Hodeidah represents an even worse escalation for international trade.

Fuente: El Economista
AMLO rejects Tesla's decision to paralyze investments in Mexico until the US elections

In his morning conference this Wednesday, the Mexican president argued that the manufacturing of vehicles on US soil has higher costs, which directly affects consumers in that country.

Crédito foto Xinhua Banxico frontis
Mexican inflation accelerates for the third consecutive time to 5.61% in the first half of July

The Inegi report showed that, during the first half of July, the National Consumer Price Index had a biweekly variation of 0.71%. Agricultural products were the greatest pressure due to an annual price increase of 25.69% of fruits and vegetables.

crédito foto agencia Andina
Peruvian non-traditional agricultural exports grew 13.5% in May

They accumulate expansion of 6% in the first five months of the year, according to the Central Bank.

crédito foto Porter Novelli
Saudi Arabia seeks to expand its relations with Brazil and Chile

From July 22 to 30, the Ministry's delegation will visit some of the main cities in Brazil, such as São Paulo, Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro, as well as Santiago, Chile. Lithium is one of its strategic interests to ensure the production of electric vehicles.

frontis Deutsche Bank, crédito D Welle
Deutsche Bank forecasts three rate cuts by the ECB and the Fed through June 2025

If this scenario materializes, the European central bank would stand in the middle of 2025 with rates at 3% and with its American counterpart, the federal reserve, in the range between 4.5% and 4.75%.

crédito foto Reuters
Why is there so much resistance to the home office? Mexico leads in return to presence

Workers say that the return to in-person work is due to stricter company policies and a greater intention from leaders to have in-person meetings.

crédito foto Xinhua BC chino
China surprises and lowers interest rates with a view to boosting economic recovery

The prime rate on one-year loans stood at 3.35% this Monday, below the previous record of 3.45%, according to the National Center for Interbank Financing.

Fuente: Reuters
Latin America would become a key player in the global financial system with changes in capital flows

This is one of the conclusions shared this Monday by the chief representative of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) for the Americas, Alexandre Tombini, at the 15th Annual Conference of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru.

Fuente: Sinergia Animal
UN demands greater contribution from financial institutions to meet sustainable development goals

It is estimated that only 16% of the Sustainable Development Goals will be achieved by 2030. Food systems and responsible land use are among the areas in which the least progress has been made.

Fuente: Sergio Herrera Deza
CAF invests US$ 10 million in Cofide: is a modern public development bank coming to Peru?

Founded in 1971, the Peruvian second-tier bank still has a limited scope around infrastructure projects, digitalization and social programs. Will the alliance with CAF put it at the forefront?

Fuente: Reuters
Colombian imports rebound in May, but continue the year with a negative balance

Imports of foreign products increased 2.2% in May, about US$ 117 million more than in May 2023.

Fuente: CAF
CAF approves loan of US$ 110 million to finance road infrastructure in Bolivia

The program will finance the construction of 300 strategic bridges, adding 10,000 meters of new infrastructure.

    Fuente: Agencia Andina
    Peruvian exports to the US exceed US$101 billion since the FTA was approved in 2009

    The trade agreement allowed increasing business opportunities for national entrepreneurs.

    crédito foto XInhua
    Mexican economy slows down in June showing contraction of the services sector

    While industrial activities remained unchanged compared to May, those in the services sector contracted 0.1%, preliminary data reveal on the behavior of the country's economy in June.

    crédito foto Reuters Fitch
    Fitch maintains Mexico's risk rating at BBB- with a stable outlook

    The entity expresses open concern about Mexico's governance, emphasizing that "it is already relatively weak, with the World Bank's Global Governance Indicator score at the 32nd percentile, which is well below the 'BBB' median of the 58th percentile." .