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Six things that make you an attractive person without you noticing
Friday, November 11, 2016 - 15:00

What you probably don't know is that you have always had the tools to dazzle.

You've already done everything: diets, kilos of makeup, new clothes, etc. to attract the person you like and you still don't see results. However, what you probably don't know is that you have always had the tools to dazzle.

Here are six things that make you attractive without you noticing:

Your sense of humor

I think that everything around us sells us the idea that a mysterious and quiet woman is much more attractive than one who laughs and jokes, but the truth is that someone who does not know how to laugh at herself can generate mistrust or insecurity. So don't hide that fun side that has led you to experience great craziness.

Your smile

A smile speaks more about you than you think, it is a sincere and spontaneous gesture that shows your soul. It is the free makeup that will cause more than one person to turn to look at you, try it when you are walking on the street, smile at someone.

Your simplicity

Not everyone possesses this characteristic in a selfish, fast and competitive world in which we live; We are so rushed living in the now that we lose that interest in appreciating the details and what surrounds us. Let's put value back on the little things.

Your kindness

We always look for what is good for us, food, music and people. It is difficult for someone to find a spiteful and vengeful person sexy. What makes us appreciate people is that side full of love and kindness, which seeks the common good. Don't hide it.

Your way of enjoying life

Do you remember the last time you had so much fun? If not, it is because you are more worried about an uncertain future. When we dedicate ourselves to living in the moment, being grateful and appreciating everything, you learn and that will make you wise and happy. When you are happy you are attractive.

Your self-love

There is nothing sexier than security and that is only achieved when one loves oneself before another. When you know yourself, you define what you want, you do what you want and you know that you don't need someone else to make you happy, you look for someone to share that happiness with, because you trust yourself.


Excélsior / LifeStyle