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Globalization and its impact on the business world
Thu, 11/08/2012 - 09:23

Armando Ramírez Velasco

La globalización y el impacto en el mundo empresarial
Armando Ramírez Velasco

Armando Ramírez Velasco es licenciado en Administración de Empresas por la Universidad Tecnológica de México. Actualmente es maestrante por la Universidad Interglobal Plantel Ecatepec de la Maestría de Administración y Negocios. Se inició profesionalmente como coordinador en sitio de EBTA y Meeting Card, donde administró la relación de negocios entre FORD y AMEX. Posteriormente ingresó a las filas de la empresa Fin Común, donde fungió como asesor financiero de pymes del sector abarrotero. Actualmente se desempeña como Director Administrativo de CONAPI, consultora que orienta a las pymes en Ciudad de México. Asimismo, imparte en UNAM cursos de liderazgo y alta dirección para funcionarios de dependencias publicas, y es docente de la facultad de Administración y Derecho de la Universidad Interglobal Plantel Ecatepec.

Globalization is a dynamic process of increasing freedom and global integration of labor markets, goods, services, technology and capital. This process is not new, it has been developing gradually and will take many years to complete. Globalization suggests that in the world remote and insignificant factors directly affect the development of this planet.

A few years ago we thought that the planet ended where our eyes stopped seeing. If we go back to history, it would tell us that long centuries of human stay on this planet have passed, and that throughout this stay we have sought to know more, to know more, thus discovering the new world, the most inhospitable places in our planet and even reaching the moon, we now know that the world is round, that it is oriented on two axes and that it rotates tirelessly with the promise of continuing to do so, but with the uncertainty of the moment when it will stop.

A few centuries ago, exchanging information between two people located a few meters away was practically impossible; today, satellite signals, the Internet and ICT allow us to communicate in real time from one side of the planet to the other with the simple purpose of sending each other a message. greeting.

Globalization suggests that for this concept to develop successfully, we must generate global thinking, forget about the limits imposed by borders and the political division of this planet and generate thinking free of ties that allows us to make exchanges with China, Mexico, USA or Spain , with the sole purpose of achieving a sustainable competitive advantage that allows the development of our society.

Peter Drucker, who is the father of modern administration, suggests that the most precise way to understand globalization is to “unlearn what has been learned” to generate a new concept that allows us to expand borders, create epistemological ruptures and generate new concepts.

It seems that after all the discoveries and advances that humanity has generated, we are ready for this great leap, becoming ourselves, and without wishing to be pessimistic, I will stop this literary exercise to ask myself , are we really ready?...

Since the concept of globalization appeared in the 1990s, opinions have polarized. Some of us think that globalization could be the antidote that this planet is waiting for, since we have recognized that neither capitalism, nor socialism, nor any other economic regime has achieved fair equity, which allows us all to have the same opportunities for development. and growth. However, there are those of us who think that it is not the correct antidote, that the same thing as always will happen: the rich countries will be richer because they will continue to have better development conditions and the poor will be the same or poorer in the shadow and conditions of the countries powerful. However, despite the different positions that we may face, it is a reality that globalization has begun to operate and has done so fully. To show this, just take a look at the imports and exports of different products, which travel from Asia, Europe or America, strengthening trade relations. Although this is not new, it has existed throughout history. The Egyptians exchanged products, the Incas also did it and even the Vikings themselves did it, although they did it because they obtained little or no natural resources in their place of origin.

Nowadays, the exchange of products seems to be a sport: half of the transport, both air and sea, is destined for the exchange of products. The economy has also been affected by globalization, currencies have ceased to be an intrinsic value that allows a community to exchange products, and represent the purchasing power of an entire community, thus becoming the payment capacity that an entity has. financial.

But what role should companies play in this whole story. Nowadays companies must think big, because it is practically unheard of to continue thinking about being the best in a block or a town. They must think about being the best in the world, since globalization has reoriented the efforts of companies towards quality , the kind that Karol Ishikawa presented to us in the 80s and that led Toyota to be the number one automaker in the world. world; the one that allowed Japan to have an outstanding economy and that won the admiration of the entire world.

Until a few years ago, quality was nothing more than a step in the audit that allowed us to continue with a flow chart, where decisions were nothing more than a pretext for the minimum levels to continue with the operation; Today the market demands more, is more critical, more knowledgeable and is not willing to pay for a poor quality product.

The strategies to enter globalization can be many, however, all areas of a company must be reinvented to enter this process, because globalization puts all companies in the world on the starting line and marks a 400-degree race for them. free meters , however, to be able to compete it is not necessary to be from a specific block, but rather to have the ability to reinvent oneself, adapt and decide.

Philip Kloter, considered the father of marketing, tells us about a concept that, together with quality, could be the two secret weapons to be part of that race and obtain the expected success; Yes, “Customer Relationship Management” is the secret that many companies have forgotten. Today there is no company that does not work for its clients, although sometimes companies forget this and orient their work exclusively to finances, political relations or the fastest way to generate liquidity, which allows them to be profitable and have a comfortable financial position.

But globalization will no longer forgive this, it will become a mistake, because globalization is customer-oriented, it forgets monopolies and oligopolies to open markets and compete with the whole world; You don't need to be there physically to compete, you just need to stand on the line and start running; It is also not necessary to have a corporate office on Wall Street, in Dubai or in London, because now you can operate a company from a laptop in the comfort of your home or through a GPS in the traffic of some large metropolis. Globalization is the revolution that the business world expected and although it has not been exploited as it should be, and the gaps in it are still many, companies must begin to enter this process, and the faster they start, the faster they will learn. to unlearn. The faster they will generate that capacity for adaptation, reinvention and decision.

I have talked about the attitude of companies, but what will happen to those centuries of business administration based on the assets, liabilities and profits of every corporation; of their participations in the world's stock markets, of the financial strategies and of the large accounting folders that are updated every day to know the how?, why? And what are the assets invested in? Will they disappear?…

The question seems very demanding even for this gradual process of globalization, but in my opinion, yes, administration must also reinvent itself, the administrative process must stop being divided into planning, organizing, directing and controlling, to make room for processes such as reinventing and learn.
