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Chile: consumer confidence falls and pessimism about the economic outlook rises
Tuesday, March 12, 2024 - 08:11
crédito foto Xinhua

In terms of confidence, Chile now ranks 24th among 29 world economies and fifth in Latin America, behind Brazil, Mexico, Colombia and Peru, but ahead of Argentina.

Ipsos revealed today its latest “Consumer Confidence Index”, which shows consumers' mood.

The Index inquires about the situation of the local economy, personal finances, savings and the environment to investment.

In February, the Consumer Confidence Index for Chile decreased 0.6 percentage points compared to January, going from 43.8 to 43.2 on a scale of 1 to 100. The Index had reached a 2-year high in January.

As explained by Ipsos Chile, country president, Jorge López, “despite the February result, the trend over the last year has been positive (+4.7 points).”

"Although pessimism still predominates among Chileans, it is a situation that could change in the medium term if inflation is kept under control and there is growing dynamism in the national economy," he added.

Consumer perception in Chile

With these results, Chile is ranked 24th among the 29 economies evaluated around the world and it ranked fifth in Latin America. Chile's score placed the country behind Brazil (58.0), Mexico (57.5), Colombia (51.2) and Peru (44.1), and it only surpassed Argentina (41.6).

The fall in consumer confidence during the month of February is mainly explained by the “six-month expectations” subindex (-1.0). This component showed the smallest growth last year (+3.4), in detriment of the perception of having a better present situation.

Regarding global confidence trends, Ipsos Chile explained that "in the world, consumer confidence has fallen slightly compared to the previous month, reaching 49.1 points (-0.2)."

Globally, some of the best-ranked economies are India (69.4), Indonesia (65.2) and Thailand (60.4).

In Europe and North America, the leaders are the Netherlands (55.6), Sweden (53.5), the United States (52.0) and Great Britain (51.5).

Rising confidence in South Korea (+3.7) and a sharp decrease in Singapore (-4.7) are noticeable. Hungary (34.4) occupies the last place in the global ranking, after confidence fell 3.4 points.
