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Colombia: economy showed signs of recovery at the beginning of 2024,
Monday, March 18, 2024 - 14:15
Fuente: Reuters

DANE's Economic Monitoring Indicator (ISE) took the pulse of the growth of economic activities in the coffee-growing country.

For the month of January 2024, the Colombian Economy Monitoring Indicator (ISE) was located at 114.39, which represented a growth of 1.60% compared to the month of January 2023 (112.59), according to what was reported by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE).

For the month of January 2024, the ISE in its series adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects, stood at 122.90, which represented a growth of 1.52% compared to the month of January 2023 (121.06). While if it is compared to the month of December, the increase was greater, reaching 2.2%.


- Primary sector: the index of primary activities, in its original series, was located at 108.07, which represented a growth of 10.26% compared to the month of January 2023 (98.01). On the other hand, it grew by 8.1% compared to the month of December 2023.

- Secondary sector: this index was located at 87.81, which represented a decrease of 4.99% compared to the month of January 2023 (92.42). While it stood at 95.90, which represented a decrease of 0.49%, compared to the month of December 2023.

- Tertiary sector: for January 2024 the index of these activities was located at 122.85, which represented a growth of 1.03% compared to the same month of the previous year (121.60). This growth was 0.18%, if compared to the month of December 2023.



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